Activated charcoal is a carbon-based substance that has been heated or otherwise treated to have small, low-volume pores that increase the surface area available for absorption or chemical reactions.
It is made from wood and other plant materials, preferably coconut shells, which are usually heated with a gas that causes the materials to expand, creating a porous surface. Because of its extremely porous nature, activated charcoal is able to attract and strongly bind many harmful substances like chemicals, toxins, poisons, heavy metals, intestinal gas, fertilizer, or even alcohol in various aqueous based environments. The porous surface has a negative electric charge that attracts the positively charged unwanted products. Simply put, it is an “active” charcoal with high adsorptive power created for medicinal purposes. Please note that activated charcoal is NOT the same thing as the ashes from burning wood or other fires at home.
For thousands of years, ancient physicians have used activated charcoal for a variety of medicinal and health purposes. In 1831, Professor Touery drank in front of his distinguished colleagues at the French Academy of Medicine, a lethal dose of strychnine, and lived to tell the tale. He had combined the deadly poison with activated charcoal. This and many other instances prove activated charcoal to be a very effective agent available as an emergency antidote. So, if a person swallows or adsorbs almost any toxic drug or chemical, activated charcoal is used as a poison antidote, and it truly works wonders.
It prevents the gastrointestinal absorption of a wide variety of drugs in emergency situations and also increases their elimination even after they’ve been absorbed by the body. This includes an overdose of pharmaceutical drugs such as acetaminophen or aspirin, toxins from pesticides (including DDT), mercury, lead, and other chemicals. Activated charcoal is most effective if it’s administered within the first hour of ingestion of the toxin. It is estimated to reduce the absorption of poisonous substances up to 60 per cent.
Also, if you’ve been bitten by a deadly snake or spider, activated charcoal could save your life.
However, beyond an antidote for drugs and poisons, activated charcoal is a global remedy for the other medicinal benefits as follows:
General detoxification – Activated charcoal is one of the world’s oldest detoxifying remedies and now it is available as a powerful and convenient supplement to help eliminate the toxins in your food and environment that make you fat, weak, and foggy headed. Regular use of activated charcoal will make you feel renewed and more vibrant, often in minutes. Gut toxins quickly may become brain toxins if you don’t eliminate them, take some activated charcoal to eliminate unwanted bacteria from your system faster before they spread and multiply, helping you feel better faster.
I have used activated charcoal for so many things, including an infected cut on the body. Simply make a charcoal poultice and apply. You will be amazed at the result you will get.
Also, as an exfoliator – mix with natural soap (ose dudu) to cleanse your skin. Activated charcoal is often used in body detox and skin products that help relieve insect stings, bites, and inflammation.
Rid bad breath, body odor, and skin ailments -Toxins usually produce body odor and bad breath, which is why taking activated charcoal greatly helps to get rid of them.
Natural and Native toothpaste: Opening a capsule on your toothbrush does amazing things for stained teeth. In the olden days, people used charcoal powder as native toothpaste, on their fingers, or chewing stick. You may consider brushing your teeth with it, once in a while now, for a natural, non-toxic mouth detox, in addition to its other wonderful effects. Yes, it does whiten the teeth!
Anti-Aging properties: Activated charcoal slows the rate at which the brain becomes increasingly sensitive to toxins as you age, which makes for better cognitive functioning. Studies show that activated charcoal prevents many cellular changes associated with aging, adrenal gland, liver, and kidney function. Famous Gerontologists discovered its powerful anti-aging properties in a study showing activated charcoal increased the average lifespan of older test animals by approximately 34 per cent.
Gas and bloating: It often prevents you from feeling bloated after eating a heavy meal. Also, after digesting foods like beans, the decomposition process from bacteria in your body may create byproducts like gas; taking activated charcoal counteracts this process by binding to byproducts and alleviating these digestive issues.
Depression: When you feel unusually moody or suddenly tired, activated charcoal helps you back in the game within minutes.
Better heart health – Activated charcoal is said to help lower the amount of total lipids, cholesterol, and triglycerides in your blood, liver, heart, and brain. In a study where patients with high cholesterol took grams of activated charcoal, three times a day, patients showed a 25% reduction in total cholesterol and doubled their HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio Studies examining microscopic tissues show a daily dose of activated charcoal helps prevent abnormal hardening (sclerosis) in heart and coronary blood vessels.
Taking activated coconut charcoal on a daily basis is a great way to help you thrive in an overly toxin-filled environment. But please note that taking activated charcoal at the same time as any other vitamin or medication is BAD. Be sure never to take activated charcoal with prescription medications, as they will bind to charcoal! It is best to take it between meals and a few hours after using any vitamin or mineral supplements, as it may interfere with the absorption of these into your body.
Everyone responds differently to different doses, so to avoid potential undesirable effects, such as constipation, please consult your physician and use only as suggested.
Also, note that excessive charcoal consumption, especially without magnesium, can result in constipation.
Activated charcoal is available for purchase in capsule form (clear capsules containing powdered charcoal), or it can be bought loosely in bulk.